Sunday, March 27, 2016

Purple Protectorate of Menoth - Mercs and Other Things

I have been working to repaint my Protectorate of Menoth models from their original "fire truck red!" schema over to a more nuanced purple and copper. I have made a ton of progress since the fall of 2015. I have a bunch of models I need to finish up and I'll continue to update as I complete new ones.

The Mercs (and other things)

Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord

Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist

Horgenhold Forge Guard

Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios

Lady Aiyana and Master Holt

Flags and Objectives

Purple Protectorate of Menoth - The Colossals

I have been working to repaint my Protectorate of Menoth models from their original "fire truck red!" schema over to a more nuanced purple and copper. I have made a ton of progress since the fall of 2015. I have a bunch of models I need to finish up and I'll continue to update as I complete new ones.

The Colossals

Judicator I

Judicator II

Purple Protectorate of Menoth - The Solos

I have been working to repaint my Protectorate of Menoth models from their original "fire truck red!" schema over to a more nuanced purple and copper. I have made a ton of progress since the fall of 2015. I have a bunch of models I need to finish up and I'll continue to update as I complete new ones.

The Solos


High Paladin Dartan Vilmon

Vassals of Menoth

Reclaimer I

Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero

Paladin of the Order of the Wall I

Paladin of the Order of the Wall II

Vassal Mechanik I

Knights Exemplar Seneschals

Covenant of Menoth

Purple Protectorate of Menoth - The Units

I have been working to repaint my Protectorate of Menoth models from their original "fire truck red!" schema over to a more nuanced purple and copper. I have made a ton of progress since the fall of 2015. I have a bunch of models I need to finish up and I'll continue to update as I complete new ones.

The Units

Holy Zealots + Monolith Bearer

Exemplar Vengers

Temple Flameguard I + Officer and Standard Bearer 

Temple Flameguard II + Officer and Standard Bearer

Knights Exemplar I

Knights Exemplar II

Knights Exemplar III

Idrian Skirmishers + Chieftain and Guide

Exemplar Errants + Officer and Standard Bearer

Daughters of the Flame I

Daughters of the Flame II

Choir of Menoth I

Exemplar Bastions I

Exemplar Bastions II

Purple Protectorate of Menoth - The Warjacks

I have been working to repaint my Protectorate of Menoth models from their original "fire truck red!" schema over to a more nuanced purple and copper. I have made a ton of progress since the fall of 2015. I have a bunch of models I need to finish up and I'll continue to update as I complete new ones.

The Warjacks

Avatar of Menoth


Templar I

Templar II

Templar III

Reckoner I

The Hand of Judgment

Devout I

Purple Protectorate of Menoth - The Warcasters

I have been working to repaint my Protectorate of Menoth models from their original "fire truck red!" schema over to a more nuanced purple and copper. I have made a ton of progress since the fall of 2015. I have a bunch of models I need to finish up and I'll continue to update as I complete new ones.

The Warcasters

Intercessor Kreoss

Grand Exemplar Kreoss

High Reclaimer


Feora, Protector of the Flame

Anson Durst, Rock of the Faith

About Me

My photo
Geek - Gamer - Librarian - Writer. Only awesome at one of those things at a time, unfortunately.

About Fading Interest

After writing op-eds and travelogues for several years, after finishing a few books, and after failing to get the ball rolling with project after project I stumbled into an idea that might just hold my interest long enough to enjoy some level of satisfaction with my writing.